"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Monday, March 28, 2011

School Tomorrow....

Spring quarter starts tomorrow and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I already feel burnt out of school, yet I know it is well worth every blood,sweat, and tear I put into it. So since classes start tomorrow...I decided to write 2 lists down. One with my fears and worries about this upcoming quarter and another one with why this quarter is going to kick butt like no one's business. Here's a sneak peak into what I have written down....
stress, anxiety, pressure, keeping up with studying, being lazy, procrastinating, having no desire to be in school, giving up, work, balancing out AKD and school, not reaching my academic goals for the quarter, failing.

eagerness to learn about new things, my professors are ALL well known for being amazing, having new friends in my class who we now can keep each other accountable, staying focused and being dedicated in my reading, the value of my education is priceless. PERIOD., being involved in AKD and desiring to make it into something BIG that can make a difference..no matter how much I struggle with it, being obedient not only to God, but to school, knowing that I will never fail at anything I do because I have God, family, friends and so many other people who believe in me so much that will never let me fail.

I promise myself to stay true to what these two lists say. When I'm feeling down, I promise to read the positive list to motivate myself and remember why I am doing this. When I'm feeling good, I promise to read the negative side so I can remember that time in my life where I struggled and smile because I got throught it alive.

Just in case I may need it during the quarter..... ;)

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