"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Blog Name

"Write your own life's story" the picture frame read when I opened the bag from one of my best friends. It's a picture of an old school type writer that typed the words "xoxo" and with that little 5 word sentence. I began to get choked up inside. If I am being completely honest, I have always wanted to write. I used to write books when I was younger, and even won awards for them back in Jr. High. Being able to express myself so freely on paper has always been my desire but I was always too afraid to do it. Now that I am older, wiser (somewhat), and actually have something to say, I am going back to my first love.

I don't know what I want to write, definitely something inspirational but I just don't have the slightest clue where to even begin. So I decided to start here! It may be on a blog that no one reads or knows about, but it's there. And it may not be in a book, or magazine, but what I'm feeling, what I believe, and what I desire in life is sitting right here, in hopes that one day, it can change someone's life or even inspire someone to do what they have always been afraid to do.

And an extremely important part of my life, I feel the need to write:
Since August 2009, I have been going through a time in my life I like to call "realization". From Aug. 2009 to about September 2010, I have been really going over the choices I have made in my life, what I believe, and in reality....who I was. I REALIZED that I like everyone else in this world am NOT perfect. I learned to not hide behind my honor societies, clubs, meetings, and organizations when I messed up, but rather own it and make it better. Boom, simple as that. During this time, I realized who I was, and it was beautiful. I became one with myself and realized how much I needed all that bad stuff to happen in order for me to go through this time in my life.

Since the beginning of the New Year, I realized that my "realization" time was over. That time of learning about myself and my decisions was finally over, and now..it is time to take the test! Everything I have learned within that last year is now finally being put to use and I can honestly say, I am beyond thankful for it. So this time in my life...what do I call it? Simple, the "write your own life story" time. Where I will try to write what goes on in my life, what I feel, what I see, and what I desire. Not just for you to read, but for myself. So one day, I can look back on this and reflect on the person I once was, and the person I (hope) to become.


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