"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Friday, April 29, 2011

Not mine, but His

The past week has been going really well. Scratch that, it's been going pretty great! In a Bible study last night, I was reminded that everything in my life is never mine, but God's. In this society, we have this Individualism idea that everything that comes our way, is because WE did it, or because WE aren't doing anything about it. In my Social Stratification class, we were discussing the issue of homelessness. We sometimes look at a homeless person and think to ourselves that they are on the street because they are doing nothing to improve their situation. Why don't they go get a job? Why don't they take a shower? Why don't they stop using the money people give them for drugs? You get the idea. We like to blame the person themselves, completely ignorning any medical conditions, social problems, and situations that that person has gone through that lead them to the streets.

Opposite of that, in society we also believe that everything  we own, the job we work at, the promotion we got, or the girl/guy we got is completely because of us. I sometimes get this puffed up attitude that everything good in my life is because I did it but then I remember that all the good things in my life come from above (James 1:17). And looking back at all the HUGE blessings that I have been blessed with, I can say with an honest heart that I definitely did not get all those things simply because of what I have done. The job I have, the school I'm at, the house I live in, and everything under the sun is from above and it is important for us to always remember just as fast as we received those things, it can be taken from us. Here are a few things in which I've completely gave God the reigns to because Lord KNOWS if I was in charge, I would mess things up in 2.5 seconds:
  • My job. I was offered another year with the DOL after months of saying there was no budget and they would not be able to afford us.
  • My grades. Okay, for real....how do you EXPLAIN getting an A on a test you didn't study for?! That has Jesus and a whoooole lot of prayer written on it.
  • My family. I've seen changes that we as humans can't explain, but we can simply know that God knows the plan even when we don't have the slightest clue.
  • My finances. My financial responsibilites in my life has significantly increased over the last year. The Lord knew that the job I had at Citrus, as much as I loved it would not be sufficient to provide for my family and I. Because of that, He blessed me with a paid internship with the Government that made double what I made and worked really great with my school schedule.
These are just a few, but the most important things in my life that I have allowed God to completely own. Giving God power over things in our life is never a bad thing. Who better than to completely take hold of all your fears, concerns, joy, happiness, and even sadness than the One who made us? He will satisfy every need and desire you have, so give God the reigns and enjoy the blessings along the way :)

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” – Phil 4:19

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