"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anais Nin

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Life

       I've always been curious about this idea of "love". What is it? How do you get it? Do you have to look or act a certain way to obtain it? What are the benefits? These are all questions that I have asked myself, asked others, and experienced through my own experiences and others. And in my 21 years of life, there is no other explanation than 1 Corinthians chapter 13..."Love is patient, and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up.."
      The main word that sticks out in this verse is patient. We are in SUCH a hurry to find our soul mate, that we begin to lose ourselves in this journey after them. We forget to focus on ourselves. Patience. THAT is the key, not because it is some sick-torturing device used to ALL single people, but because through patience we are perfected and refined. I find it sad that many people are involved in relationships only because they do not want to be lonely. How foolish we are to think singleness is a curse, rather than a blessing.
      This is my life. This is my choice to be single. This is my time to focus on myself and become the BEST version of Anneliese that I can possibly be. This is my promise to not settle for anything that comes my way "just because". I choose to make every decision not solely based on emotions, but rather in faith. In "everything has it's perfect time", I live my life, knowing that while some doors must be shut in my life, others MUST be opened. Here's to the lessons we learn, becoming a better person, being comfortable with oneself, loving yourself, loving others and enjoying life for what it is, NOT for what we think it is.

1 comment:

  1. Very well said. As I've told you before,you have a gift! The way you communicate your thoughts through words, humor and honesty really touch people, and make us think about things that sometimes we are such in a "hurry" to slow down and think about. Thank you. Don't EVER stop believing that God had a perfect plan for you, a perfect husband that He already has marked as yours! Love you sweetie. Oh and when that time comes, when you finally meet "THE ONE" I want an invite. I wasn't able to make your quince, but I will definately not miss your wedding! ;o)
